
Portfolio Press has been downloaded from WordPress.org over 500,000 times. For the majority of people this basic version works great, but I always a get a few requests from people want more design and customization options. That’s why I built Portfolio+.

More Options

If your site is already running Portfolio Press, switching to Portfolio+ will be easy. And once you’ve activated Portfolio+, you’ll have options to change the text and link colors, hide the site tagline, change the number of portfolio items that appear per page, swap out backgrounds and more. I’ve also added some neat new features, like infinite scroll.

Screenshots of the Customizer:


I made a video walkthrough highlighting some of the features.

Feature List

  • Color Options for Text
  • Background Styling Options
  • Infinite Scroll
  • Option to use alternate URL for portfolio link
  • Full width option for individual posts
  • Automatic upgrades when new versions come out

Customize Further

You’re also welcome to customize the theme even further by editing the stylesheet. I built a child theme to put those customizations in. Please note, I do not offer support for customizing the actual theme code (PHP/CSS/Javascript).

Downloading Portfolio+

Portfolio+ is not longer being actively developed aside from minor compatibility updates. If you purchased a license which is still valid, updates will still be pushed out via the theme updater and support is available by email. For others, if you wish to download a copy of the theme you can find it on GitHub.

327 Responses

  1. Great theme, really like it and might upgrade to portfolio+ just to give you real cred :)

    However I would like to do two things that I am not sure if they work.

    1. on a smart device there is no hovering so the text on the post does not show until you click it if you are in a Image and Gallery Post Format. Is there a way to get the titles to show before you hover?

    2. When showing all posts, if all my posts are image posts, then also the post page looks like a Gallery, so I have to “fake” a text post so it shows the texts as well. Is there a way to get around this?

    Thanks // Jonas

      1. Hi Devin,

        Thank you for your reply.

        1. I am not sure what to change in the css? I would also like the text to show on my main page, maybe a little lighter than before hover.

        2. I tried to remove it, but nothing happened?

  2. How can I disable the search, archive and meta widgets to automatically show up in the side bar? I’d like to just install a FB like box and can’t because these items listed in sidebar.php seem to prevent this from working properly. Any ideas?

      1. Hi Devin,
        it doesn’t seem to work for me. I have installed social media feather, but the buttons don’t show up on my website. Any help is appreciated.
        Thanks, Alex

  3. Alfonso

    Hi, I had a portfolio setup on Portfolio Press where my main (home) page showed a gallery of thumbnails (I followed their video instructions) but then I purchase Portfolio + and the gallery has disappeared from the main page and there is no way (or no help) for me to figure out how to get it back.

    Can you help me, please?

  4. Hi

    I have just bought the Portfolio + theme but cannot access it’s additional features as I cannot see them.

    can you offer any advice please?



  5. James

    Hey Devin,

    It seems that both Portfolio Press and Portfolio+ (at least in your demo) display only 3 featured images across. Is that fixed or is there an option to change the number of columns or images across?

    Also is there an option in either version to adjust the height of the featured images. It seems that they get cropped if they are vertically oriented.

    Big Thanks,

  6. Hi I’ve been using your theme Portfolio+ for over a year with no problems but recently when trying to add a new portfolio post the featured image option has disappeared. I then checked old posts and even though the featured image shows on the website it doesn’t appear on the portfolio page to edit or change it. I can’t seem to find any reason for this, have you encountered it before or can suggest a fix?

    Thanks Karen

  7. When I am creating Pages for my website, and go to edit a page, the toolbar is missing.

    This is an image of the toolbar that is missing.
    Image of Toolbar —-> http://www.nextgen-gallery.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/ATP_Toolbar.png

    The whole bar is missing, no bold, align, or hyperlinking options are showing when in the visual editor mode.

    In addition, I cannot click in the visual editor mode. It is blank and won’t let me type. I can see the information in html view, however.

    I’m not sure if this is a theme error or a WordPress error.

  8. hi. portfolio plus had worked great for me but with the latest wordpress 4.0.1 I recieved a white screen of death. is it possible to update the portfolio plus (i hadn’t done it in a while) from an ftp?

  9. I am just setting this new blog up; I have it set for “full width” on all portfolio and image posts, yet I am still getting the side bar. Is it possible to get rid of the side bar on the portfolio items?

  10. Hi, the menu does not work on mobile devices? I saw you mentioned it may be a jquery problem but I do not seem to have one. Your theme is great but I need to fix this problem and hoped you could help?

  11. Lovely theme – one quick question: using posts galleried on a front page sets them in the order in which they were published. Is there a way of changing this, like the random assignment you can use within galleries?

  12. Website: http://www.jollyoutthere.com and this only occurs on the mobile site, through Apple and Android mobile devices.

    A spam URL appears in the top level navigation, but I can’t seem to get to the mobile CSS from the dashboard to remove the URL.

    In the desktop version, the URL does not appear, and nothing appears in the CSS through the header, nav or other code.

    Any help is appreciated.

  13. I really enjoy this theme, and even returned to it after buying a premium theme to replace it. Lately, however, I’ve been having a problem with the display of my nine-element portfolio landing page. Instead of an orderly 3×3 display, the page re-orders into a 3×4 with some missing elements. As I post more it will fill in, returning to a 3×3, but every 3rd post re-breaks the page. You can see the issue at http://psychology.cos.ucf.edu/bendsawyer/. When I load sub-sections of the portfolio, such as http://psychology.cos.ucf.edu/bendsawyer/portfolio_category/proceedings/, the issue disappears. Any suggestions?

  14. How can I remove the space and page name between the header and the main content of a page or post? Your example sites above (Kunz, Castio, and Timzart) all have that space and page name deleted… Any ideas. ((the current bulhon.com is not my wordpress example)) As soon as I know how to delete that space I can “launch” the wordpress version for public consumption… Thanks in advance Devin!!

      1. I did watch the video. And I just reviewed it again. Using the “Full width Gallery and Image Posts” template or the “Image and Gallery Posts” page template does remove the title and decreases the spacing – however, in place of my page content (it disappears) I get a message on the page that says:
        Nothing Found

        It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help.

        and a Search field.

        What am I doing wrong? Again, thanks in advance!!

  15. Cynthia

    Hi Devin – I am currently navigating through your theme (free version) to understand how it works. I’ve set up a Portfolio home page successfully and added one post with a feature image, but when clicked on it goes a post. I would like to be able to link the featured image to a page instead. Is there a way to do that?


  16. Jo

    Hi Devin, I want to reorder my posts and although I downloaded the ‘reorder post’ plugin, it is not working with Portfolio+. Can you help me with this please?


  17. Hi Devin

    You appear to be very responsive here, which is truly amazing. So, as a new user of PortfolioPlus, I wanted to see if there was a reason that the menu is not appearing on mobile? Do I need to get another mobile theme or plugin?

    Thanks very much.

  18. Hi Devin,
    I am considering upgrading to Portfolio Plus, I’d like to be able to change the menu type color from white to black, is that possible?


  19. Anton

    Hiya Devin.
    Great theme, I am thinking getting the plus version…
    One thing though, on the iPad with submenu’s (just one level) it’s a but difficult to be able to tap on a sub menu because the main page opens first.
    Is there something I can do about this?

  20. Lea

    Hi Devin,

    I can not seem to get my images to display in any other way other than as single lines, not the grid like appearance you have in your examples.

    I also purchased portfolio+ but do not see any special access to taking advantage of those tools.

    Thanks for any help.

  21. Adam

    Hi! I did email you via your contact form but thought some other people might benefit from my question. I have installed and activated Portfolio + and all of the features and additional options appear to be available. However, I cannot get the infinite scroll feature to work on my front page. What are the settings that I need? I have checked ‘Load new posts as the user scrolls down’ and unchecked ‘Display Image and Gallery Formats on Posts Page’ under the portfolio tab. I am developing my website locally using MAMP. I am using the latest version of WordPress. Thanks

  22. Hey Devin,
    I’m having troubles with infinite scroll.
    If I set “posts per page” to 9, my site only shows 9 post-thumbnails, regardless of the viewport/screen-size. Because of that there is no scroll bar to “trigger” infinite scroll to load more posts.
    How can I fix this without setting “posts per page” to 50 or something?

    Something like “infinite scroll depending on screen size” would do the job.

    (-> http://leonardermel.de/)

  23. Hi,
    I have created my site on my iMac, but several PC users have contacted me saying that the menus and pictures are completely overlapping and jumbled on all pages. On an iMac it looks fine. DO you know why this might be happening?

    I have one plugin, jet pack and the “mobile menu” does better format for phones etc, but I lose my color theme and some artistic bits from the site. Is there a way to make mobile version a shrunk-down version of actual site rather than a generic color scheme?

      1. Thanks for response. Can you recommend a plugin that better suits the theme for mobile devices?
        All of my PC users still reporting jumbled menus and wonky title placement.
        feeling a bit lost and confused as to what to do!

  24. Hi Devin,
    Trying to tweak the css through jetpack, but it doesn’t seem to override the settings in portfolio+ – ideas?

    For instance I tried
    h1 {
    font-family: “Lucida Grande”, “Lucida Sans Unicode”, Arial, sans-serif;
    letter-spacing: -1px;
    font-size: 10px;
    font-style: normal;
    font-variant: normal;
    font-weight: 500;
    line-height: 26.39999961853px;

    Thanks // Jonas

      1. I’m planning to use a mix of image and blog post types. If I have to upgrade I’m all for it but I don’t want to upgrade and find that it won’t get me what I need.

      2. nick

        hi Jonas, I’ve been trying to figure out how to do that now and can’t seem to get it to work. when i click on the menu item it always gives me an overview of all my portfolio items in its own portfolio. Did you need to make a new page template? if so how did you do it?

  25. Hi. I installed Portfolio+ with no problem but I would like to change the Header font and am having trouble locating where it is in the style sheet.Thanks

  26. Hi,

    I am just starting with Portfolio and was wondering if you can set a Gallery page with multiple thumbnails images in and to then open a larger version of the same image once clicked. Does that require a post for every image or can you just point it to the larger original image?


  27. Hi Devin,

    I’m using Portolio+. How can I achive that if a visitor clicks one of my images he will be linked to a WP page that contains another galery (with square format pics like on the main page) that he can click and will be linked to another page? (not sure if this is understandable, excuse my english). Thanks, Harald

  28. Samuel

    Hello Devin,
    1) Will this theme be good for meme/picture quote types?
    2) There is no space for ads on the header and how can one monetize the image gallery as there is no provision for ad space?

  29. Hell Devin,
    Wordpress show new theme version PF+ 3.7.3. The update failed with following error message:
    When upgrading from portfolio – plus – 20 An error has occurred : download failed . Unauthorized (Translation from German)
    Do you have a hint what is wrong?

    Thanks for your support.

  30. Paul Gough

    Just downloaded Portfolio +. Just going through the video walkthru, and I couldn’t see ‘theme options’ listed on my dashboard.

  31. Hi Devin,

    I’ve been using your template for a few years now and really love it. Upon updating some portfolio content yesterday, I started to get the following error instead of page navigation at the bottom of my site:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function portfolioplus_paging_nav() in /home/content/78/12235578/html/wp-content/themes/portfolio-press/templates/full-width-portfolio.php on line 63

    I’ve always gone with 9 portfolio posts per page with the option to navigate to older posts at the bottom. Could you advise as to why this is happening? Thanks in advance!

      1. Andres


        Did you found the solution? I have the same problem after update portfolio press.

        thank you!

      2. Marnus

        This error still occurs in the latest version, with latest WP installed.
        –> I resolved the problem simply by removing line 63 in the “full-width-portfolio.php” document, as ist is a undefined function…

  32. Hi!

    I’ve just upgraded to Portfolio Plus and I’m really happy with it! One quick question – is there any way of showing gallery posts on category pages that don’t automatically show up on the main gallery front page? On the working example page above I can see that there are posts under Animals that aren’t on the home page portfolio, but I can’t work out how to do it.


  33. Matt

    Hello, Is it possible to add text content to the ‘Full width Image and Gallery Posts’ template? I would like to add text above the thumbnails.


  34. Conor


    Just downloaded the Portfolio+ theme but I don’t seem to be getting the “Theme Options” under Appearance?


  35. Hi Devin!

    Thanks for putting this nice theme at our disposal!
    I’ve been experimenting with it for a few days now, but can’t find in the customizer how to dislink my portfolio (static front page) from the blogpage so that the posts on the front page don’t repeat on the blog.
    Could you help me out?

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