
Portfolio Press has been downloaded from WordPress.org over 500,000 times. For the majority of people this basic version works great, but I always a get a few requests from people want more design and customization options. That’s why I built Portfolio+.

More Options

If your site is already running Portfolio Press, switching to Portfolio+ will be easy. And once you’ve activated Portfolio+, you’ll have options to change the text and link colors, hide the site tagline, change the number of portfolio items that appear per page, swap out backgrounds and more. I’ve also added some neat new features, like infinite scroll.

Screenshots of the Customizer:


I made a video walkthrough highlighting some of the features.

Feature List

  • Color Options for Text
  • Background Styling Options
  • Infinite Scroll
  • Option to use alternate URL for portfolio link
  • Full width option for individual posts
  • Automatic upgrades when new versions come out

Customize Further

You’re also welcome to customize the theme even further by editing the stylesheet. I built a child theme to put those customizations in. Please note, I do not offer support for customizing the actual theme code (PHP/CSS/Javascript).

Downloading Portfolio+

Portfolio+ is not longer being actively developed aside from minor compatibility updates. If you purchased a license which is still valid, updates will still be pushed out via the theme updater and support is available by email. For others, if you wish to download a copy of the theme you can find it on GitHub.

327 Responses

  1. Hi Devin,
    Thanks for the theme. Working great. I wanted to ask if there was an option to have an icon in the mobile version of the menu.
    At them moment the word menu appears below the logo which is not ideal to me.
    Could you please let me know if there is an easy fix for this?

  2. Hello Devin, I’ve installed your portfolio plus but I still don’t see the same menu options as demonstrated. My word press says it’s running portfolio plus. I specifically need to display featured images on the post when they’re clicked on.

  3. Mary Anne

    Hi and thanks for posting a video on how to use the site that’s understandable. A big achievement. I’m wondering if there’s any way to turn the label for a portfolio post into a link, so that if you click on a particular image for a website it will open up to that website.
    Probably not, but I thought I’d ask.
    Mary Anne

  4. Question: Where in the theme CSS do I change the color of the background and font of the drop down menu. I’ve tried several “fixes,” but none seem to work.


  5. Hi Devin,
    Great theme. I am hoping there is an update I just haven’t received that will make the website mobile friendly. When I look at it on my IPhone, the widgets are all jumbled together and it looks so unprofessional (So I just deleted them all except the link to support the Hurricane effort). What am I doing wrong? Thank you for your help. I love how the the front page makes my photos shine!!!

  6. Hello,
    I’m using portfolio and really want to have the ability to categorise posts so I can display different categorised posts on their own pages. I have tried many times but it never quite works. Do I need to upgrade to plus? Thank you.

  7. Hi Devin, Is Portfolio+ mobile responsive? my images aren’t showing on mobile. Do I need to add plugins of a sort? Thanks, I know you get dumb questions all the time..

  8. Ok, another question though, right now I have some text and a shop widget on the right sidebar. Those load AFTER all of my portfolio images load on mobile. Is there a way to get them to load first, before the portfolio images?

    Thank you!

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