The latest version of the Options Framework has a new hook to display content below the options panel. This feature was added thanks to @Satrya, who posted a neat screenshot on GitHub and requested it.
The hook can be used to display any content below the options panel, but one cool use is to add a sidebar with additional information about the theme. Here’s an example:
I added a demo theme of this to the Options Theme Kit if you’re interested to see exactly how it works.
Here’s a slightly simpler example:
add_action('optionsframework_after','exampletheme_options_after', 100); function exampletheme_options_after() { ?> <p>Content after the options panel!</p> <?php }
How can i add the sidebar before instead of after the option content?
You’ll need to float the containers using CSS.
How can I use remove_action to remove functions that are hooked to ‘optionframework_after’?
Use remove_action: