JetPack Infinite Scroll + Masonry

I added support for Jetpack Infinite Scroll on a theme of mine that uses Masonry recently.

Since I couldn’t find any good code snippets or recommendations for how the callback should work I wanted to share a couple methods I tried. If anyone has improvements or recommendations, please let me know.

All of these examples use the “post-load” javascript event that Jetpack triggers. You can read about that on the Jetpack Infinite Scroll documentation page. Continue reading

Lazy Loading Images

Images are generally the heaviest assets on a webpage- so if you’re interested in fast load times for users, this is one of the best places to optimize.

Lazy Load Your Images

One popular technique for speeding up the initial load time is called “lazy loading”. It works by replacing the source of images (src=”/example.gif”) with a transparent placeholder image (src=”/pixel.gif”). This allows everything else on the page (text,fonts,scripts,etc) to render first. Continue reading

Drop Down Menu Indicator

Update: Menu items now have the class “menu-item-has-children” that can be used for styling thank to this core ticket. So, the menu walker is no longer needed.

I think it’s important to give users a visual cue when menu items have a drop down menu.

One way I’ve handled this in the past is to use the Superfish jQuery plugin, which adds a class to any list items with children. This allows them to be styled differently- with a background image of a down arrow (for instance).


However, I just saw a new theme released by Paul de Wouters called Spine. Instead of using javascript to apply the class- he uses a custom Walker_Nav_Menu so that the class is added to the markup directly.

I think this is a much better way to do it, and solves an issue I’ve seen in some themes where the menu items shift a bit when the new classes and styling are applied with javascript.
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Featured Image Meta

I’ve built a couple themes where I’ve needed to give users more control over how the featured image is displayed for individual posts. The obvious place to put these options are in the thumbnail metabox itself.

Display Thumbnail Landscape


In this theme the default display of the thumbnails is a cropped to a square next to the title. But if the user had a large landscape image, they could choose to display it full width instead.

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Getting Started With CodeKit + CSS Preprocessors

I experimented with CSS preprocessing today (both LESS and SASS). I have to admit, it was much easier to set up than I thought and really intuitive to use.

To get started, I just downloaded a copy of CodeKit (OSX) and dropped a couple theme directories into it. When that happened, CodeKit started to watch all the LESS and SASS files in those directories- and automatically compiled them into actual CSS files whenever I saved.

To become more familiar with the syntax, I forked a copy of Jared Erickson’s LESS theme on GitHub and made some edits. Then I converted it to SASS syntax. If you’re completely new both SASS and LESS- I think that’s a fun small project to do. Continue reading

Translatable Javascript Strings

I’ve been working on a plugin that needs to update the text of an object via javascript when an element is clicked. Like the rest of my plugin, those strings in the javascript need to be translatable. Thankfully WordPress makes this easy to do.


Let’s say this is the script you are enqueuing:

function prefix_enqueue_custom_script(){
	wp_register_script( 'prefix_custom_script', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) .'js/custom-script.js', array( 'jquery' ) );
        wp_enqueue_script( 'prefix_custom_script' );


In this custom script there are two strings that should be translatable: “upload” and “remove”. To make this happen we’ll use the wp_localize_script function, which gets hooked onto the script handle:

function prefix_enqueue_custom_script(){
	wp_register_script( 'prefix_custom_script', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) .'js/custom-script.js', array( 'jquery' ) );
        wp_enqueue_script( 'prefix_custom_script' );
        wp_localize_script( 'prefix_custom_script', 'prefix_object_name', array(
		'upload' => __( 'upload', 'textdomain' ),
		'remove' => __( 'remove', 'textdomain' )
	) );

Using the Strings

Now in my javascript, instead of simply using the text “upload” and “remove” I’ll use the variables prefix_object_name.upload and prefix_object_name.remove.